Tuesday, August 6, 2024


Narciso Olalo August 06, 2018 Message from God: While I was standing in front of the church, I saw that there were many people inside. I saw that no one was ready for mass, so I went to the front and spoke. God said "PREACH TO THEM TELL THEM THAT SALVATION IS NOT IN THE CHURCH AND THE REAL ONE WHO BRINGS SALVATION IS YOU BECAUSE YOU HAVE THE BACK UP OF GOD THAT YOU CAN DO SOMETHING THROUGH THE POWER OF MIND GOD GIVES YOU. TELL THEM TO READ YOUR POSTS ON ALL THE TRAGEDIES YOU WROTE AND WHAT HAPPENED, SINCE YOU STARTED, LIKE TYPHOON YOLANDA, THE EARTHQUAKE IN BOHOL, THE SHIP IN THE CEBU MARAWI BATTLE, THE CHEMICAL ATTACK IN SYRIA, AND MANY MORE. YOU ACHIEVED ALL THESE BECAUSE OF THE POWER OF MIND GIVEN TO YOU FROM GOD. THE PRIESTS AND PASTORS ARE THE LIARS. THEY ARE THE REAL FALSE PROPHETS AND THEY ARE THE REAL FATHER OF THE DEMON THAT'S WHY I CALL THEM NO.1 SINNER" the word of God. I followed what God said. While I was speaking, I wasn't even halfway through, the crowd slowly leaving, I noticed they already knew who I was and what I was doing. God said WHAT IS IN YOUR MIND IS RIGHT, THEY KNOW YOU BUT DON'T WORRY BECAUSE SOME OF THEM WILL COME BACK AND SOME DON'T WANT TO BELIEVE. THERE IS NOT MUCH WE CAN DO. WE ARE NOT LACKING IN TERMS OF PREACHING. I TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEM IN THE OTHER LIFE. THERE IS NO OPPORTUNITY TO CHANGE ONCE THEY ARE IN ANOTHER LIFE; HELL IS AVAILABLE FOR THEM,” said God. While I was speaking, each one of them entered the church and they all moved in front of me, and they no longer sat in front of me. I wondered why they were all next to each other. God said. THEY REALIZED THAT WHAT YOU HAVE PREACHED WAS RIGHT. THEREFORE, THEY WANT TO BE A PART OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING FOR THEIR SALVATION" the word of God. I woke up in the morning. The message of God. Narciso Olalo-GOD's INSTRUMENT CHOSEN BY GOD TO CONVEY HIS MESSAGES AND TO SPREAD THE TRUTH. Narciso Olalo's life as a faith healer and instrument is characterized by his commitment to healing without charging money, preaching and teaching God’s messages, spreading spiritual truth, predicting future events, and seeing people’s sins. His work likely involves a deep connection to his faith, a strong sense of purpose, and a significant impact on the lives of those who seek his help. For more information about Narciso Olalo, click this link https://docs.google.com/.../16r10TXzAYRFrUkH4H4H8.../edit... Narciso Olalo’s Website https://followernarcisoola.wixsite.com/narcisoolalo Narciso Olalo’s YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/NarcisoOlalo/videos Narciso Olalo's Facebook https://www.facebook.com/narsolalo Google Narciso Olalo and discover the truth. Subscribe to his YouTube and follow his Facebook. Thank you.