Monday, July 15, 2024


THE TRUTH ABOUT THE BIBLE. GOD CALLS THE BIBLE AS AN ORDINARY BOOK. BY: Narciso Olalo You can't find any evidence that I speak ill against the bible so that people will believe in me. First of all, I do not have any intention whatsoever to form any religion. Second, I healed people with various diseases for free, absolutely free, In fact, I spend my own hard-earned money to call them long distances in order to heal them. I do not receive any amount of money not even a single cent in return and what do I gain from doing it? Absolutely nothing right? Now, if you have to ask me about the bible, I believe in the bible 100%, but the contents are not all from God the reason it is that there are so many religious sectors that have changed the words for the benefit of their own interests and because of the changes the bible lost its holiness or sacredness. This is the reason why God called the bible a BOOK. Let me ask you something how many times God existed as a human being, your answer is definitely once only, in other words only once. Now my next question is, if it's only once, then why there are about 1,600 different classifications of the bible when in fact He existed only once as a human being. There should be only one bible because of its holiness and nobody, and no one should have the right to make any revisions under any circumstances. God said "YOU DO NOT TELL THE WORDS I DO NOT TELL YOU" the word of God. This means we are not to convey messages that do not belong to God, and this means we commit a sin because the number already reaches 1,600 and this means it is full of lies and people got confused and misguided. Therefore, these religious leaders commit a sin. What did God say? " THE PRIESTS/PASTORS WHOM THEY ADORED AND ADMIRED, THEY ARE DEFENDING THEM THEY SHOULD BECAUSE THEY ARE THE NO.1 SINNERS" the word of God, for their teachings do not come from God and for these reasons they commit a sin for misrepresenting God's teachings. Now, given the benefit of the doubt that they have spoken to God, why is it that they don't have the capabilities of what an ordinary man like me can do, my voice heals the sick according to their strong faith, I can see a person's sin, I can see incoming tragedy. These served as my backup from God so that people will believe in me. So go ahead and explain how you defend your faith in the bible and prove it also that you have the abilities and capabilities of what an ordinary person can do. To discover God's miracles, please explore Narciso Olalo's website at

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