Monday, July 15, 2024

Message of God Through Narciso Olalo, April 08, 2023

Narciso Olalo April 08, 2023 God's Message: While I was outside the house, I suddenly thought of that brother of mine that I gave investment for their goods. In a moment, one of my brothers came in a hurry and shouted at the same time saying, OUR BROTHER HAS NO GOODS, THE INVESTMENT YOU GAVE USED OUT. While I was looking for my brother, I noticed that he was drunk. At the same time, I heard God's Father's voice " THEIR BUSINESS IS SHUT DOWN BECAUSE OF MISMANAGEMENT; THEY EAT AND DRINK. HELPING ONE OR TWO TIMES IS FINE BUT ASKING HELP FOR SEVERAL TIMES IS A KIND OF EXPLOITATION AND THIS IS NOT RIGHT. THE MAN NEEDS TO WORK FOR HIMSELF TO SURVIVE AND NOT DEPEND ON THE STRUGGLE OF OTHERS. WHEN YOU GIVE IT TOO MANY TIMES YOU PUSH THEM INTO EVIL BECAUSE THEY HAVE ALREADY EXPLOITED YOU. YOU NEED TO TEACH THEM ON THE RIGHT THINGS HOW TO LIVE FAIRLY AND NOT EXPLOIT OTHER PEOPLE" the word of God and I also thought MY BELIEF IS RIGHT. God answered "THEREFORE YOU ARE ONE OF MY CHOSEN BECAUSE YOUR FAITH COMES FROM YOUR HEART AND THINK THAT THERE IS NO ONE TO TEACH YOU THAT IS WHY GOD GIVES YOU THE POWER OF HEALING AND PREACHING FOR THE SALVATION OF MANY” the word of God. We will do the additional explanation on zoom tomorrow Sunday April 09 9:00am Philippines time. To discover God's miracles, please explore Narciso Olalo's website at

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