Monday, July 15, 2024

Message of God Through Narciso Olalo About the Nepal Earthquake, April 2, 2015

BROTHER NARS POSTED TWO (2) MESSAGES FROM GOD BEFORE THE EARTHQUAKE OCCURRED IN NEPAL. 1ST MESSAGE – April 2, 2015 2ND MESSAGE – April 13, 2015 NEPAL EARTHQUAKE – APRIL 25, 2015 Narciso Olalo April 2, 2015 God's message: While looking at the big and wide fence, I immediately think that this is a church and surprised because the church fell and crashed. If I interpret this, God’s message tells us that there will be an upcoming earthquake and many churches and buildings will be destroyed. Everyone should be careful and re-unite with God; repent, renew and have real faith in Him. Let’s love God without conditions. Narciso Olalo April 13, 2015. Everyone should be careful. God is furious while crying. Let me give you the scenario. This is what happened before the typhoon YOLANDA, and Earthquake in Bohol. In this time, I am sad because I know there is a great tragedy to happen that we do not expect. Let us return to God. We should repent the things we did that were not pleasing to God and against the will of God. If we continue to dis obey God’s law, many more people will die in an untimely manner. This is my reminder to everyone according to God’s message and that you need to read the entire scenario of April 2, 2015 message. Earthquake happened: April 25, 2015 THE WORDS OF GOD IN THE SECOND COMING. GOD SAID. 1). “YOU CAN HEAL AND PREACH THE PEOPLE BUT NO MONEY SHOULD BE COLLECTED, WITHOUT CHARGE EVEN A SINGLE CENT. IT SHOULD BE ABSOLUTELY FREE. YOU ARE AN INSTRUMENT TO HEAL THE PEOPLE. HOWEVER, I HAVE THE HEALING POWER TO HEAL PEOPLE ACCORDING TO THEIR FAITH IN YOU THAT I AM USING YOU AS MY INSTRUMENT FOR HEALING THEM AND THEY SHOULD HAVE FAITH IN ME AS JESUS CHRIST 2). I WILL GIVE YOU THE “POWER OF MIND”. THIS IS POWERFUL BECAUSE YOU CAN SEE AND DESCRIBE THE LIFE STORY OF A PERSON IF YOU TALK TO THEM. THIS IS EVEN POWERFUL IF YOU WILL BE “SPIRIT” BECAUSE YOU CAN SEE THE SINS OF THE PEOPLE INCLUDING THE SINS OF DEAD PEOPLE EVEN IF THE PERSON DIED FOR A LONG TIME. 3).YOU CAN ALSO PREDICT OR TELL BEFOREHAND WHAT WILL HAPPEN OR FORESEE AN EVENT. THE WORD OF GOD. Nepal Earthquake is another proof that Narciso Olalo is back up by God because all messages from God that he posted in his Facebook wall really happened. He clearly posted this on April 2 “ that there will be an upcoming earthquake and many churches and buildings will be destroyed” and the tragedy happened after 23 days, - April 25, 2015. I am sure you agree with me that only God can predict earthquake, typhoon, etc. How come Narciso Olalo predicted the Nepal earthquake and many other calamities? This is a true manifestation that God is using him as an instrument to share God’s messages with all the people. All these messages really happened because God wants us to believe all the messages shared by Narciso Olalo in his Facebook wall, so people will have a chance to be prepared in the second coming of God. He is tasked to spread the true meaning of faith and to rectify all the wrong messages/teachings/practices conveyed by priests and pastors regardless of religion classification. As posted in Narciso Olalo’s Facebook, religion is not needed to achieve salvation. God is enraged with all the wrong messages/teachings/practices disseminated by the priests and pastors. These church leaders are using the word of God and God’s name to collect money from the church members and God is completely unhappy about this. This is against His will. This is the reason why Narciso Olalo is tasked by God to preach the true meaning of faith, absolutely free so people will have the right faith in God. IN THE WORDS OF GOD IN THE SECOND COMING, GOD SAID. 1). “YOU CAN HEAL AND PREACH TO THE PEOPLE BUT NO MONEY SHOULD BE COLLECTED, WITHOUT CHARGE EVEN A SINGLE CENT. IT SHOULD BE ABSOLUTELY FREE. YOU ARE AN INSTRUMENT TO HEAL THE PEOPLE. HOWEVER, I HAVE THE HEALING POWER TO CURE PEOPLE ACCORDING TO THEIR FAITH IN YOU THAT I AM USING YOU AS MY INSTRUMENT FOR HEALING THEM AND THEY SHOULD HAVE FAITH IN ME AS JESUS CHRIST Here are some of the links; (NOTE: I only selected one link but there are many proofs posted on Narciso Olalo’s Facebook account) The patient has had eye problems for 15 years, but Narciso olalo healed her through phone call, absolutely free. Note: Testimony – English Language If you want to know the real meaning of faith leading to salvation, please read, reflect and share Narciso Olalo’s messages from God. Thank you very much. Narciso Olalo’s YouTube link - English NARCISO OLALO’S WEBSITE

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