Monday, July 15, 2024

Message of God Through Narciso Olalo, August 22, 2017

Narciso Olalo August 22, 2017 The message of God: While I was walking with Jesus Christ on the street I saw the church on my way. I looked at it, wondering what church it was, and Jesus Christ said, "THAT IS an Adventist CHURCH. WE WILL GOING INSIDE," the words of Jesus Christ. Then we went inside the church, and I saw the pastor preaching to their members, pointing to the wall what was written. Jesus Christ said, "Let's go CLOSER TO THEM AND TELL THEM THAT IF THEY WANT true salvation, COME VISIT YOUR WEBSITE, YOUTUBE, GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, ETC." these are the words of Jesus Christ. I told them what Jesus Christ wanted me to do, and while I was preaching to the members, Jesus Christ shouted. When I turn my head to him, he was yelling and pointing to the pastor, "WHY ARE YOU STARING AT HIM? WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM STAY AWAY FROM HIM, YOU PASTORS, AND PRIESTS. YOU ARE SELLING MY NAME AND MY WORDS. YOU SON OF A BITCH," and Jesus Christ is crying and crying, "WHY ARE YOU SELLING MY WORDS AND MY NAME? IF YOU WANT TO SAVE YOUR SOUL, STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING, STOP SELLING MY NAME AND MY WORDS, AND STOP PREACHING THOSE WORDS THAT DID NOT COME FROM ME. YOU ALWAYS SAY GOD IS TELLING YOU, BUT HOW CAN YOU PROVE THAT ALL OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING IS FROM GOD? YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING". While I was watching Jesus Christ cry, I cried too, and the pastor didn't say anything and looked at the floor. Jesus Christ is looking at me, "YOU SPREAD THIS MESSAGE THROUGHOUT THE WORLD DO NOT BE AFRAID I WILL ALWAYS BE WITH YOU". Then I woke up crying—the message of God. Narciso Olalo, the bearer of truth. He is the number one chosen by God as an instrument in spreading the truth. God provided 3 backups; First, his voice heals the sick people. Second, he sees the sins of a person, whether or not a person is still alive or already dead for such a long period of time. Finally, he foresees events and tragedies that are yet to come. How about your Priest/Pastor, did God provide backup to them? Obviously, NONE. Visit Narciso Olalo’s YouTube link - English NARCISO OLALO’S WEBSITE Visit Narciso Olalo’s Youtube

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