Friday, October 25, 2019


Narciso Olalo​
SEPTEMBER 18, 2016
The message of God

BY:  Narciso Olalo

    Jesus Christ preached and healed the sick before without being in a church, how many years was there a church during His time?  Let's say it all started when He was only 12years old or from 10 years up.  It is clear that He became known to people.  Why didn't he think of building even a small chapel so He can use it for preaching, but He sacrificed a lot walking and preaching with no boundaries?  What are your bases that we need to build a church? God is powerful and sees each and individual person wherever we are, He knows what we do, even if done in the past for such a long time.  Take for instance I healed this person and knew nothing about him, but why I was able to describe in detailed his recent whereabouts, what he had done in the past, and why I knew that he had killed somebody, and how he did it.   My question is why I knew all these in detailed it was God who told me everything.  This proves that God is powerful and he knew why people needed to build a church. People gather in the church and that is the place that they can collect money from their members.  Without church how they collect the money.  Take for instance, if somebody owes us money we go to their house and collect the money that they owed but even then you will have a hard time finding them.  How much more, if the church does not exist collecting money, is impossible.  It is funny if they come to your house to collect the money when you don't even owe them any.  The other religion if you don't show up to their church they will come to your house and collect the money and pretend to be just saying how you've been doing and why you were not at the church,  but actually, their main intention is to collect the money in a subtle way.  Going to the church according to my belief is according to what pleases in the eyes of God.  What is the point of going to church, but a person is doing something that is not pleasing to God?  The church is teaching the people to serve God so that people who believe in them will serve the church for free.  This is another way of getting the people to consider volunteering so that the church gets their services for free because they brainwashed the people that this deed is pleasing to God.  These are all bunched of lies and they just fooled the people.  Think about it and if God told them this then they should have the capabilities of doing something that an ordinary man can't do so that people believe in them.  If their teachings were right, then God doesn't need to use somebody like me to spread His true messages.  If their teachings were right then why God said that "EVERYTHING THEY SAID ARE LIES BECAUSE THEY CANNOT PROVE IT; YOU ARE THE RIGHTFUL ONE BECAUSE YOU CAN PROVE IT TO THE PEOPLE"  the word of God.  I have the abilities and capabilities to prove to them that God speaks to me and that every single word comes from God.  What else they want from me, I have all the proofs and they have nothing else to say that I made this on my own.  That's why they cannot come near me because they themselves know that all the messages that I sent to the people are true.

God’s messages posted in Narciso Olalo’s Facebook account are all documented and everyone can verify the validity online whether it is true or not. 
God is sending us all these messages through Narciso Olalo because He wanted us to be prepared for his second coming.

There are 3 important points in God’s second coming; 
1. Power of Preaching and Healing
2. Power of Mind
3. Power of Prediction

1. Power of Preaching and Healing
GOD SAID. “You can heal and preach the people but no money should be collected, without charge even a single cent. It should be absolutely free. You are an instrument to heal the people. However, I have the healing power to cure the people according to their faith in you that I am using you as my instrument for healing them and they should have faith in me as Jesus Christ.
2. Power of Mind
“I will give you the “POWER OF MIND”. This is powerful because you can see and describe the life story of a person if you talk to him/her. This is even powerful if you will be “SPIRIT” because you can see the sins of the people including the sins of dead people even if the person died for a long time.
3. Power of Prediction
“You can also predict or tell beforehand what will happen or foresee an event. The word of God. 
God supported Narciso Olalo on these 3 key points. Proofs are found online, simply google, Narciso Olalo and discover the truth.

Power of Preaching and Healing
Did you ever encounter a person who can heal a cancer patient or any other form of disease through a phone call for free? Narciso Olalo’s voice is very powerful because he is always available to help and cure people who have medical issues, absolutely free. He is healing them in three aspects, physical, mental and spiritual. If you have faith in God, there is always a power of healing. As pointed out in God’s message, “A person is healed according to his/her faith in God. Clearly, this is happening, hundreds of people provided testimonies on this including myself. I selected one particular sample in the links (both facebook and youtube) because the testimony is in the English language so everyone can understand.
Other testimonies please google Narciso Olalo or visit this link
Other testimonies:
Google Photos

Power of Mind
In this link, you will hear testimonies from many people. Narciso Olalo clearly describes the life story of the people including their sins through a phone call and please note, this is an international call from Australia in different parts of the world, Australia to the Philippines, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, USA, and many other countries. Narciso Olalo spent his own money to call these people, preaching and healing for them to have real faith in God.
Power of Prediction
One major proof of this is the Yolanda Typhoon in the Philippines. Here’s the link 
Yolanda -
Hurricane IRMA – MIAMI -
Chemical Attack -

Thank you for reading. Please don't forget to share.
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